For soccer players who want to build skill, speed and control.

Reach your Soccer Potential

Soccer greats such as Kaka, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Marta and Messi grew up playing Futsal and credit it for developing their incredible skills. Futsal builds quick reflexes, fast thinking and pin-point passing. US Soccer and FIFA declared that Futsal is necessary for youth soccer development because of:

  • More touches on the ball
  • Better foot skills
  • More movement without the ball
  • Quick decisions
  • Technical speed of play
  • High-scoring games
  • Constant excitement
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Mrakovic Method Training Systems (MMTS) are the key to reaching top speed.

MMTS is a cornerstone of youth soccer player development and builds the following qualities:

  • Ball retention – possession is key. Players need to be able to keep the ball using good technique and movement
  • Quick play – the small playing area forces quick play. This again requires good technique and movement
  • Passing – MMTS develops quick, accurate passing – no margin for error
  • Skillful play – MMTS encourages skillful play, either to retain possession or to create a shooting opportunity
  • Confined spaces – everything happens much quicker and there is less margin for error
  • Tactical awareness – MMTS is a "whole-team" game. Each player needs to be aware of their own responsibilities
  • Skill acquisition – the increased number of touches on the ball accelerates the learning process
  • Movements – with and without the ball increase significantly in Futsal

FIFA supports Futsal

Futsal is FIFA’s Official Indoor Soccer game, which is a scaled down indoor version of outdoor soccer, is a small sided game (5v5) played on a smaller field with a smaller weighted ball. There are no walls in Futsal, only touchline boundaries. Outdoor soccer players around the globe play Futsal to refine and maintain control and touch. Futsal is superior to walled soccer in developing skill and technique. Walled soccer rewards poor technique by banging the ball off the boards. In contrast, Futsal requires precision and control.  The same skills are required for success in the outdoor game.